Sunday, April 28, 2013

the Church of the Nazarene in relation to the liturgy.

today we are going to talk about the use of liturgical practice in the Church of the Nazarene. first off i would like to say that I have heard a lot of people say that "the Nazarene Church is in no way a liturgical church", this is only partly true. if you are a member of the low church then you most likely do not practice any sort of liturgy. however if you are a member of a high church congregation you will have been practicing a liturgical style of worship. at this time I am attending a low church congregation as it is the only Nazarene Church in my area, but I, along with the vicar am attempting to bring in an element of the liturgy. To establish a strong liturgy in a church one must first understand what liturgy is. the word "liturgy" comes from the Greek word "λειτουργία" or "liturgia" meaning function. this in it's planets forum this is what liturgy is a function of worship. the idea of liturgy began in the book of Leviticus when our lord gave the laws for worship to the aaronic priests. this style of worship was based around a "cycle of sacrifice", and remembrance of freedom. in a way the liturgy of our Christian faith is the same, where the Jewish liturgy had a sacrifice of a lamb our sacrifice is a continuation of that of Christ on Calvary, where the Jews commemorated their freedom form slaver to faro we celebrate our freedom from the slavery of sin, and death. this is the heart of liturgy and must be kept in mind in instating a liturgy. my recommendation for any congregation attempting to instate a liturgical aspect is to move slowly! if you try to change things too quickly then your church family will become uncomfortable and shut out this beautiful opportunity. another suggestion I have is to establish two separate services,one for contemporary one for traditional or liturgical worship.     

I am sorry for not posting last week but things went totally insane in my world. i will do my best to bring you all new content each week, but things may not always work out that way.

yours a servant of Christ~ Malachi Peter Blaze Holmes.     

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